Real MINIs Wink and Wave!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

a-hem...let's review...

Okay, so Knoxville, you've got some work to do. When I first got Smidget I was always greeted by a fellow happy-go-lucky-post-or-pre-hippie MINI owner. But now, as the MINI cat is out-of-the-bag, the group I used to wave to have been replaced by a surly group of people who do not deserve a long and ridiculous hyphenated description disguised as a really big adjective.

Seven of 10 MINIs are not just distracted or picking their noses (I would accept both as valid reasons for not acknowledging a fellow MINI), they are looking at me and watching me wave and continuing to project surly, anti-MINI behavior.

Surly, anti-MINI behavior. We have been infiltrated by grumpy-ass people. The gene pool has been peed in.

Imposters, give up your MINIs! Of all the cities Smidget has been to, her hometown, sadly, is the most unfriendly habitat so far.

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

tires, mmmm-k?

It's time for new tires. Smidget is dreading such an expensive purchase. Run-flats are no small investment...

I'll try to do a little better about keeping Smidget's story updated...

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